No pain, no gain ... Mile 21 of the 2007 Cleveland Marathon

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Recovery and strength workout

Tonight I was feeling sluggish, but still managed to make it to the gym to get in a workout.

I hopped on the elliptical machine for 10 minutes to get a warmup before hitting the weight machines. I kind of like this elliptical machine, it's different and I'm finding it helps me get ready for my workouts.

I focused on chest and shoulders tonight with the weights. Then I got on the treadmill.

Nothing special tonight, just trying to get the soreness and stiffness out of my legs after last night's hard workout.

Not much to report with the run, although I managed to "get in" four miles in 34:47, for an 8:41/mile pace. This is what I call a recovery run, nice and slow, but it's still tough since you're definitely not fresh and just trying to power through the after affects of a hard workout the day before.

Runners World Quote of the Day:

"When the runner's high does set in, usually around three or four miles, my body flows into a smooth rhythm and my mind is no longer conscious of how far or how long I've run or how much farther to go."

Matthew Shafner, lawyer and marathoner

My comment to this statement is I wish that was the case for me most of the time, but it's not. What a lucky guy! I'm always conscious of how far I've run and how much farther there is to go.

Happy running!

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