With the holidays in full swing especially Christmas traveling, my time has been limited along with my Internet access, so it's been a while since I posted. I'll just give a brief synopsis of what's been going on with my training.
I've been running very consistently, and three days in a row were outside on Christmas Day (3.5 miles? in 30 minutes); post Christmas Day (a hard 5.1 miles in 38:10 for 7:29/mile pace) and following that up the next day (7.6 miles in 60 minutes for 7:53/mile pace!).
Last night I decided I'll do the 5-miler on New Year's Day (10 a.m. start!) unless there is heavy snow. I'm doubting I'll set any speed records, but it will be fun to get out and race with some other crazy people like me.
In the process of making that decision I did an easy, easy 30-minute run -- 8:52/mile pace. Just to taper off a little bit from all the hard training during last weekend and so that I could be fresh.
I also got to try out a new pair of runner's short that Santa gave me. Has a pocket in the back to carry my iPod. It worked great! Hardly noticed it was there and I didn't have to hold it during my treadmill run.
I'll try to make sure I post my race results as soon as I find out how I did on New Year's Day.
Runners World Quote of the Day ... I really like this one:
"When you have the enthusiasm and the passion, you end up figuring how to excel."
Deena Kastor, U.S. Olympic Marathoner
Happy running!
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Awesome hard, brisk 5-mile tempo
I didn't have much time to post this last night, so this is a day late, meaning my workout was Tuesday night.
Got in 8 minutes of elliptical work, then hit the weights for some chest, hips and leg exercises.
Surprisingly, the lower body workouts continue to feel great and I'm keeping my theme of very little weight with a very gradual goal of increasing the pounds lifted. I'm feeling less sore in these areas after a run, so it must be working.
After the weights, I hit the treadmill. I wanted to do a hard tempo run -- meaning the first and last miles would be fairly easy, but the middle three miles would be challenging.
I busted out the first mile in 8:32 to get warmed up. Then I ratcheted it up to a 6:58/mile pace for the next three miles. This was hard right away, mentally I knew I could do it and hoped the physical part would hold up.
There were times when I wanted to slow down and take it easier, but this is where strength is built mentally. After 2 miles, I kept thinking I can always run just one more mile and that's what I did.
It wasn't easy at all, but busting out 3 miles faster than 7 minutes a mile for a tempo workout was great! I think I gained even more mental toughness than physical improvement during this run.
That's because I don't have much experience training faster than a 7-minute mile pace for an extended period of time, although 5-K races are a different story since you don't have to save yourself and can go all out.
During previous tempo runs when the weather was warm, I've done a few training runs that have had mile paces faster than 7 minutes, but then I always seem to slow down a little bit at some point and haven't sustained it. So I'm very encouraged by this run.
After the 3 miles at 6:58/pace were done. I walked for about 30-40 seconds to recover, then dialed it back in at a 8:06/mile pace to finish the 5 miles.
The time was about 38:13 for the entire 5 miles or 7:38/mile pace. But the overall time isn't what was important or even the goal here, it was to sustain a hard training pace faster than 7 minutes per mile and that's what was done. So I'm very happy to break this barrier.
Runners World Quote of the Day:
"This is what really matters: running. This is where I know where I am."
Steve Jones, former marathon world record holder
Happy running!
Got in 8 minutes of elliptical work, then hit the weights for some chest, hips and leg exercises.
Surprisingly, the lower body workouts continue to feel great and I'm keeping my theme of very little weight with a very gradual goal of increasing the pounds lifted. I'm feeling less sore in these areas after a run, so it must be working.
After the weights, I hit the treadmill. I wanted to do a hard tempo run -- meaning the first and last miles would be fairly easy, but the middle three miles would be challenging.
I busted out the first mile in 8:32 to get warmed up. Then I ratcheted it up to a 6:58/mile pace for the next three miles. This was hard right away, mentally I knew I could do it and hoped the physical part would hold up.
There were times when I wanted to slow down and take it easier, but this is where strength is built mentally. After 2 miles, I kept thinking I can always run just one more mile and that's what I did.
It wasn't easy at all, but busting out 3 miles faster than 7 minutes a mile for a tempo workout was great! I think I gained even more mental toughness than physical improvement during this run.
That's because I don't have much experience training faster than a 7-minute mile pace for an extended period of time, although 5-K races are a different story since you don't have to save yourself and can go all out.
During previous tempo runs when the weather was warm, I've done a few training runs that have had mile paces faster than 7 minutes, but then I always seem to slow down a little bit at some point and haven't sustained it. So I'm very encouraged by this run.
After the 3 miles at 6:58/pace were done. I walked for about 30-40 seconds to recover, then dialed it back in at a 8:06/mile pace to finish the 5 miles.
The time was about 38:13 for the entire 5 miles or 7:38/mile pace. But the overall time isn't what was important or even the goal here, it was to sustain a hard training pace faster than 7 minutes per mile and that's what was done. So I'm very happy to break this barrier.
Runners World Quote of the Day:
"This is what really matters: running. This is where I know where I am."
Steve Jones, former marathon world record holder
Happy running!
Sunday, December 20, 2009
A long run on a Sunday
After watching the Browns win their second straight, I headed to the gym to get in a long run.
I did a quick 10-minute warmup on the elliptical machine then hit the treatmill. Long runs are supposed to be done at a fairly easy pace.
I cranked out the first mile in 8:34 and it felt great. So I bumped it up to an 8:13/mile pace for the next mile.
Eventually, I ratcheted it up to about an 8 minute mile pace for most of the remaining time. For the last 0.3 miles I kicked it in at 7:30/mile pace.
Total time and distance was 7.5 miles at 60:38 for 8:05/mile pace. Pretty solid for a long run, I'm happy.
Runners World Quote of the Day:
"I always run alone, away from phones and stress. Running is a major part of my life because it keeps me sane."
Michael Roux, Jr., Executive Chef, Le Gavroche, London
Happy running!
I did a quick 10-minute warmup on the elliptical machine then hit the treatmill. Long runs are supposed to be done at a fairly easy pace.
I cranked out the first mile in 8:34 and it felt great. So I bumped it up to an 8:13/mile pace for the next mile.
Eventually, I ratcheted it up to about an 8 minute mile pace for most of the remaining time. For the last 0.3 miles I kicked it in at 7:30/mile pace.
Total time and distance was 7.5 miles at 60:38 for 8:05/mile pace. Pretty solid for a long run, I'm happy.
Runners World Quote of the Day:
"I always run alone, away from phones and stress. Running is a major part of my life because it keeps me sane."
Michael Roux, Jr., Executive Chef, Le Gavroche, London
Happy running!
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Fast 5-miler with intervals, strength training
Today was a good hard 5-miler mixed in with 3x800s, and 2x400s. It was at a fast pace.
First I'll mention the ab workout and the other warm-ups. I hit the elliptical for a 10-minute session, then over to the free weight area to do the hanging ab straps, which are absolutely killer.
You basically hang with your arms in the straps and then lift up your legs to your chest. If you keep your legs straight out while raising them it targets the lower abs more. If you just raise your legs with them pointing down, it's less on the lower (but still gets 'em) and more on the rest of the abdominals. I did six sets overall mixing in the different exercises, trying to get up to 10 in a set on most, but not always.
Then I hit the ab crunch weight machine and did three sets of 12 for the upper and mid-abs, left and right obliques. I'm digging this new routine for my core. I feel it's making me stronger overall.
I saw a woman jumping rope and when she was finished, I gave it a try. Back in high school we used to do 500 jumps as a way to warmup for basketball practice. I probably did about 50 before calling it quits today.
On the treadmill, I wanted to go fairly hard, especially since I had two Christmas parties on Friday, so I wanted to burn some calories.
The first mile was done fairly comfortably at 7:58. The second mile I initially bumped it up to about 7:41/mile pace and mixed in two 400 meter sprints as fast as 6:40/mile pace. Mixed in between these intervals were "breaks" at 7:20/mile pace.
Then I wanted to sustain that quick pace longer. I decided to do three sets of 800 meters at 6:40 pace with 1-2 minute "breaks" at 8:00 mile pace. Whew, that was tough.
During the final mile, I was feeling it and dropped down to about 8:34 so I could recover for a few minutes, then busted out the last 0.6 miles at 7:30/mile pace.
Overall the 5-miler was finished at 37:20 or 7:28/mile pace. I was pretty happy with that, especially getting some quality time at 6:40/mile pace during a 5-mile training run.
As I mentioned in a previous post, if I can stay healthy and injury-free, I don't think it's out of the question to consistently train next year in the mid to high 6-minute mile pace and maybe bust out a race or two faster than 6-minute-mile pace. Running in the 18s for a 5-K would be nice for a soon-to-be 40-year-old.
With this in mind, I thought this Runners World Quote of the Day was appropriate ...
"It is amazing how much you can progress week after week, month after month, year after year if you allow for gradual training increases."
Bob Glover, The Runner's Handbook
Happy running!
First I'll mention the ab workout and the other warm-ups. I hit the elliptical for a 10-minute session, then over to the free weight area to do the hanging ab straps, which are absolutely killer.
You basically hang with your arms in the straps and then lift up your legs to your chest. If you keep your legs straight out while raising them it targets the lower abs more. If you just raise your legs with them pointing down, it's less on the lower (but still gets 'em) and more on the rest of the abdominals. I did six sets overall mixing in the different exercises, trying to get up to 10 in a set on most, but not always.
Then I hit the ab crunch weight machine and did three sets of 12 for the upper and mid-abs, left and right obliques. I'm digging this new routine for my core. I feel it's making me stronger overall.
I saw a woman jumping rope and when she was finished, I gave it a try. Back in high school we used to do 500 jumps as a way to warmup for basketball practice. I probably did about 50 before calling it quits today.
On the treadmill, I wanted to go fairly hard, especially since I had two Christmas parties on Friday, so I wanted to burn some calories.
The first mile was done fairly comfortably at 7:58. The second mile I initially bumped it up to about 7:41/mile pace and mixed in two 400 meter sprints as fast as 6:40/mile pace. Mixed in between these intervals were "breaks" at 7:20/mile pace.
Then I wanted to sustain that quick pace longer. I decided to do three sets of 800 meters at 6:40 pace with 1-2 minute "breaks" at 8:00 mile pace. Whew, that was tough.
During the final mile, I was feeling it and dropped down to about 8:34 so I could recover for a few minutes, then busted out the last 0.6 miles at 7:30/mile pace.
Overall the 5-miler was finished at 37:20 or 7:28/mile pace. I was pretty happy with that, especially getting some quality time at 6:40/mile pace during a 5-mile training run.
As I mentioned in a previous post, if I can stay healthy and injury-free, I don't think it's out of the question to consistently train next year in the mid to high 6-minute mile pace and maybe bust out a race or two faster than 6-minute-mile pace. Running in the 18s for a 5-K would be nice for a soon-to-be 40-year-old.
With this in mind, I thought this Runners World Quote of the Day was appropriate ...
"It is amazing how much you can progress week after week, month after month, year after year if you allow for gradual training increases."
Bob Glover, The Runner's Handbook
Happy running!
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Easy four-miler with strength training
Felt good tonight even after yesterday's somewhat challenging workout. I started the night off with 7 minutes of elliptical and then did some biceps, lats and lower back weight training. Three sets of each.
Then I hopped on the treadmill with running easy in mind. For the most part, it was just that, running at an 8:13/mile pace for the first 1.5 miles, then gradually bumping it up to 7:53/mile. After sticking at that pace for a while, I decided to ratchet it up for the final 1/2 mile.
I gunned it up to 7:13 mile for two minutes then decided to sprint it in for the last 0.3 miles finishing up at a 6:48/mile pace. Felt great!! The total time was 32:20 for 4 miles or 8:05/mile.
I'm certainly enjoying this new regime of strength training and treadmill running. A nice change for running out in the cold.
Runners World Quote of the Day:
"Running changed my life and brought it into balance. I now feel as though my entire essence, body, and soul is centered."
Donna Isaacson, Casting director
Happy running!
Then I hopped on the treadmill with running easy in mind. For the most part, it was just that, running at an 8:13/mile pace for the first 1.5 miles, then gradually bumping it up to 7:53/mile. After sticking at that pace for a while, I decided to ratchet it up for the final 1/2 mile.
I gunned it up to 7:13 mile for two minutes then decided to sprint it in for the last 0.3 miles finishing up at a 6:48/mile pace. Felt great!! The total time was 32:20 for 4 miles or 8:05/mile.
I'm certainly enjoying this new regime of strength training and treadmill running. A nice change for running out in the cold.
Runners World Quote of the Day:
"Running changed my life and brought it into balance. I now feel as though my entire essence, body, and soul is centered."
Donna Isaacson, Casting director
Happy running!
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Feeling stronger, faster
Today was nice to have the day off work, since I had to work during the last weekend.
I took advantage getting in some strength training before I embarked on a 5-mile run. I tried something new adding in a set of leg presses. I think the last time I did a set was back in high school, gulp 21-22 years ago.
I started with very little weight, since I had no idea how it would affect me because I planned to run later. But it actually felt really good and energizing! I also did some hip abducter strength exercises for the second time in two weeks. It feels like I'm getting stronger in my legs, allowing me to run faster.
I also worked in three sets of shoulder press and lateral raises for the upper body. Good stuff!
For the run, I started slowly busting out the first mile in 8:48, picked up the pace to about 7:40/mile, then finished up the bulk of the run at 7:30/mile or faster. The last three minutes I ramped it up to about 7:06/mile.
So the last for miles were run at an average of 7:28/mile pace, ultimately finishing at 38:32 for 5 miles or 7:42/mile.
The best part of this run was that for the most part, it felt fairly easy. I hope this is a sign of things to come. I'd love to train in the low 7-minute mile range and have it feel "easy". Perhaps by spring, I'll be able to train in the high 6-minute mile range and start running some races at a sub-6 minute pace. Wouldn't that be awesome just as I'm turning 40!
With this in mind, I felt this Runners World Quote of the Day was perfect:
"I run with my head, my heart and my guts, because physically, I don't think I've got a great deal of talent or ability. I started at the bottom and worked up."
Steve Jones, former marathon world record holder
Happy running!
I took advantage getting in some strength training before I embarked on a 5-mile run. I tried something new adding in a set of leg presses. I think the last time I did a set was back in high school, gulp 21-22 years ago.
I started with very little weight, since I had no idea how it would affect me because I planned to run later. But it actually felt really good and energizing! I also did some hip abducter strength exercises for the second time in two weeks. It feels like I'm getting stronger in my legs, allowing me to run faster.
I also worked in three sets of shoulder press and lateral raises for the upper body. Good stuff!
For the run, I started slowly busting out the first mile in 8:48, picked up the pace to about 7:40/mile, then finished up the bulk of the run at 7:30/mile or faster. The last three minutes I ramped it up to about 7:06/mile.
So the last for miles were run at an average of 7:28/mile pace, ultimately finishing at 38:32 for 5 miles or 7:42/mile.
The best part of this run was that for the most part, it felt fairly easy. I hope this is a sign of things to come. I'd love to train in the low 7-minute mile range and have it feel "easy". Perhaps by spring, I'll be able to train in the high 6-minute mile range and start running some races at a sub-6 minute pace. Wouldn't that be awesome just as I'm turning 40!
With this in mind, I felt this Runners World Quote of the Day was perfect:
"I run with my head, my heart and my guts, because physically, I don't think I've got a great deal of talent or ability. I started at the bottom and worked up."
Steve Jones, former marathon world record holder
Happy running!
Monday, December 14, 2009
Four-miler, core and strength
I didn't get the chance to run Sat. or Sunday due to work, so I was definitely fresh for tonight's workout. Sometimes, it's really nice to have a few days off from running to let the body and mind recover.
I started the night with a 5-minute elliptical warmup, then hit the weights for a chest workout, 3 sets each of chest press and fly.
Then I asked the gym trainer on hand for some suggestions for lower abdominal workouts and she gave me some good suggestions. I'm not sure what they are called or really how to describe them (maybe a future post), but I know this is certainly an area to improve. If I can make gains in strength in the core this winter and spring, I feel like it will lead to faster racing times next year.
After killing my abs, I hit the treadmill for 4 miles and finished in 30:10 or 7:32/mile pace. I ran the last two miles at 7:13 or faster including the last three minutes at 6:53/mile pace. Felt great. Lots of sweat too.
Runners World Quote of the Day:
"This is not about instant gratification. You have to work hard for it, sweat for it, give up sleeping in on Sunday mornings."
Lauren Fessenden, marathoner
Happy running!
I started the night with a 5-minute elliptical warmup, then hit the weights for a chest workout, 3 sets each of chest press and fly.
Then I asked the gym trainer on hand for some suggestions for lower abdominal workouts and she gave me some good suggestions. I'm not sure what they are called or really how to describe them (maybe a future post), but I know this is certainly an area to improve. If I can make gains in strength in the core this winter and spring, I feel like it will lead to faster racing times next year.
After killing my abs, I hit the treadmill for 4 miles and finished in 30:10 or 7:32/mile pace. I ran the last two miles at 7:13 or faster including the last three minutes at 6:53/mile pace. Felt great. Lots of sweat too.
Runners World Quote of the Day:
"This is not about instant gratification. You have to work hard for it, sweat for it, give up sleeping in on Sunday mornings."
Lauren Fessenden, marathoner
Happy running!
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Long run and lifting
First, I must apologize because this post is two days late, meaning my workout was done on Friday. I had to work Saturday and simply forgot to publish the post on Friday evening.
I hit the gym and did some back workouts including lats, traps and lower back after doing a 10-minute warmup on the elliptical machine.
Once that was all finished, I did a 7-mile run in 61:30 at 8:47/mile. The pace is usually much slower for a long run, which I consider anything longer than an hour of time.
It's been quite a while since I've run more than an hour on a treadmill. I think the last time was in the winter of 2006-2007 when I was training for the Cleveland Marathon in the spring of 2007. I'd much rather run outside, but when it's a lake-effect snowstorm you don't have much choice.
Speaking of marathons, I thought this Runners World Quote of the Day was appropriate, although I don't claim to have a love for this distance:
"I didn't want to run Boston to prove anything. I just fell in love with the marathon."
Roberta Gibb on running the Boston Marathon
Happy running!
I hit the gym and did some back workouts including lats, traps and lower back after doing a 10-minute warmup on the elliptical machine.
Once that was all finished, I did a 7-mile run in 61:30 at 8:47/mile. The pace is usually much slower for a long run, which I consider anything longer than an hour of time.
It's been quite a while since I've run more than an hour on a treadmill. I think the last time was in the winter of 2006-2007 when I was training for the Cleveland Marathon in the spring of 2007. I'd much rather run outside, but when it's a lake-effect snowstorm you don't have much choice.
Speaking of marathons, I thought this Runners World Quote of the Day was appropriate, although I don't claim to have a love for this distance:
"I didn't want to run Boston to prove anything. I just fell in love with the marathon."
Roberta Gibb on running the Boston Marathon
Happy running!
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Recovery and strength workout
Tonight I was feeling sluggish, but still managed to make it to the gym to get in a workout.
I hopped on the elliptical machine for 10 minutes to get a warmup before hitting the weight machines. I kind of like this elliptical machine, it's different and I'm finding it helps me get ready for my workouts.
I focused on chest and shoulders tonight with the weights. Then I got on the treadmill.
Nothing special tonight, just trying to get the soreness and stiffness out of my legs after last night's hard workout.
Not much to report with the run, although I managed to "get in" four miles in 34:47, for an 8:41/mile pace. This is what I call a recovery run, nice and slow, but it's still tough since you're definitely not fresh and just trying to power through the after affects of a hard workout the day before.
Runners World Quote of the Day:
"When the runner's high does set in, usually around three or four miles, my body flows into a smooth rhythm and my mind is no longer conscious of how far or how long I've run or how much farther to go."
Matthew Shafner, lawyer and marathoner
My comment to this statement is I wish that was the case for me most of the time, but it's not. What a lucky guy! I'm always conscious of how far I've run and how much farther there is to go.
Happy running!
I hopped on the elliptical machine for 10 minutes to get a warmup before hitting the weight machines. I kind of like this elliptical machine, it's different and I'm finding it helps me get ready for my workouts.
I focused on chest and shoulders tonight with the weights. Then I got on the treadmill.
Nothing special tonight, just trying to get the soreness and stiffness out of my legs after last night's hard workout.
Not much to report with the run, although I managed to "get in" four miles in 34:47, for an 8:41/mile pace. This is what I call a recovery run, nice and slow, but it's still tough since you're definitely not fresh and just trying to power through the after affects of a hard workout the day before.
Runners World Quote of the Day:
"When the runner's high does set in, usually around three or four miles, my body flows into a smooth rhythm and my mind is no longer conscious of how far or how long I've run or how much farther to go."
Matthew Shafner, lawyer and marathoner
My comment to this statement is I wish that was the case for me most of the time, but it's not. What a lucky guy! I'm always conscious of how far I've run and how much farther there is to go.
Happy running!
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Super blend for a workout!
Tonight I tried to shake things up a little bit, so I did a combination of several different workouts. Loved it!
First, I did 135 abdominal crunches on a machine -- basically it was 9 sets of 15 and included the front, left and right abdominal muscles or three sets of 15 for each side. Confusing? Probably not worth explaining, but it's much harder than sit-ups and was done with 45 lbs. each time.
Then I hit an elliptical machine and did 10 minutes on that. I've never really used one before except for a few minutes, so this was a nice warm-up for my run. It was kind of awkward at first, but I can see mixing this in occasionally as part of a workout. The low impact can be very helpful.
For my run, I decided to do a blend of tempo running and speed intervals. The first mile I ran in about 8:20 to get going. Then I dropped down to a 7:30/mile pace and alternated running at 6:53/mile pace for 1 min. 40 secs then switching back to 7:30/mile pace for one minute. I did six sets of this, before cooling down at an 8:34/mile pace.
Ultimately, my total run including warmup and cooldown was done in 30:57. It was 4 miles long for a total overall pace of 7:44 per mile.
I thought today's Runners World Quote of the Day was appropriate:
"Do quality workouts year-round, including during the winter. You're less likely to get injured because you won't hurry the training process, and you'll race better because you build fitness on a solid foundation."
Brad Hudson, elite coach
Happy running!
First, I did 135 abdominal crunches on a machine -- basically it was 9 sets of 15 and included the front, left and right abdominal muscles or three sets of 15 for each side. Confusing? Probably not worth explaining, but it's much harder than sit-ups and was done with 45 lbs. each time.
Then I hit an elliptical machine and did 10 minutes on that. I've never really used one before except for a few minutes, so this was a nice warm-up for my run. It was kind of awkward at first, but I can see mixing this in occasionally as part of a workout. The low impact can be very helpful.
For my run, I decided to do a blend of tempo running and speed intervals. The first mile I ran in about 8:20 to get going. Then I dropped down to a 7:30/mile pace and alternated running at 6:53/mile pace for 1 min. 40 secs then switching back to 7:30/mile pace for one minute. I did six sets of this, before cooling down at an 8:34/mile pace.
Ultimately, my total run including warmup and cooldown was done in 30:57. It was 4 miles long for a total overall pace of 7:44 per mile.
I thought today's Runners World Quote of the Day was appropriate:
"Do quality workouts year-round, including during the winter. You're less likely to get injured because you won't hurry the training process, and you'll race better because you build fitness on a solid foundation."
Brad Hudson, elite coach
Happy running!
Monday, December 7, 2009
Back to the grind
The snow outside was frightful, and vacation was so delightful, I had no place to go ... so I went to the gym for a run tonight. Betcha thought I'd come up with something more clever. Wrong :-)
Anyway, I got in 4 fairly easy miles, although it was a harder time than I thought it would be. My legs felt tight and the back of my legs were sore. Must have still been feeling it from my 5-miler yesterday.
The pace was about 8:40/mile for a total of 34:40. I'm glad I got it in though, I need to drop a few lbs. gained from too much vacation indulgence.
When growing up we used to had a poster on the door headed down to the basement. It simply read: "Those who indulge, bulge" and had a picture of a pig on it. I always thought it was humorous, but it is a lesson I remember, but frequently have a hard time following.
Tis the season, I suppose, but hopefully I can keep weight gain to a minimum.
Runners World Quote of the Day:
"It's the athlete's job to learn to do the hard things easily."
John Jerome, The Sweet Spot in Time
Happy running!
Anyway, I got in 4 fairly easy miles, although it was a harder time than I thought it would be. My legs felt tight and the back of my legs were sore. Must have still been feeling it from my 5-miler yesterday.
The pace was about 8:40/mile for a total of 34:40. I'm glad I got it in though, I need to drop a few lbs. gained from too much vacation indulgence.
When growing up we used to had a poster on the door headed down to the basement. It simply read: "Those who indulge, bulge" and had a picture of a pig on it. I always thought it was humorous, but it is a lesson I remember, but frequently have a hard time following.
Tis the season, I suppose, but hopefully I can keep weight gain to a minimum.
Runners World Quote of the Day:
"It's the athlete's job to learn to do the hard things easily."
John Jerome, The Sweet Spot in Time
Happy running!
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Last day of vacation running/first day of snow
Today is the last day of freedom before back to the grind on Monday morning.
This means the days of afternoon naps and running whenever is convenient are over for the time being.
With that said, I pumped out a 5-miler at a comfortable pace. It snowed, so the streets weren't completely clean and were a little slippery in some places.
The first three miles were done pretty much at an 8-minute mile pace (24:08). The fourth mile was a little slower because I encountered some black ice, so my footing wasn't that great. I clocked an 8:20 (32:28) for that mile.
After the black ice was gone, I decided to kick in the last mile, finishing it up at 7:20 pace to complete the journey in 39:48 or 7:57/mile pace.
For the next few months, my daily runs on weekdays/nights will mostly be conducted on the treadmill (boring!), but at least I can still get my mileage in without fear for safety.
Happy running!
This means the days of afternoon naps and running whenever is convenient are over for the time being.
With that said, I pumped out a 5-miler at a comfortable pace. It snowed, so the streets weren't completely clean and were a little slippery in some places.
The first three miles were done pretty much at an 8-minute mile pace (24:08). The fourth mile was a little slower because I encountered some black ice, so my footing wasn't that great. I clocked an 8:20 (32:28) for that mile.
After the black ice was gone, I decided to kick in the last mile, finishing it up at 7:20 pace to complete the journey in 39:48 or 7:57/mile pace.
For the next few months, my daily runs on weekdays/nights will mostly be conducted on the treadmill (boring!), but at least I can still get my mileage in without fear for safety.
Happy running!
Friday, December 4, 2009
Awesome 5-mile tempo run!
I'm very excited after today's 5-mile run, one of the fastest training runs I've ever done for this distance!
From the very beginning I felt warm and ready to go and did the first mile in 7:30.
Then I picked it up and did the second mile in about 7:15 with my watch showing 14:45. From there, the third mile time was 22:00 for another 7:15 mile.
Mile #4 was done in 29:25, so a little bit slower at 7:25, but still pretty good. I must have been feeling it after those two hard ones.
The last mile I decided to go as fast as possible, trying to simulate almost a race pace, but not quite.
When I got done, my watch read 36:15! That meant I did the last mile in 6:50. Very cool considering that during my last 5-K race just a little more than a week ago, my average mile was 6:34.
I feel great!
Runners World Quote of the Day:
"Good thoughts are no better than good dreams, unless they be executed."
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Happy running!
From the very beginning I felt warm and ready to go and did the first mile in 7:30.
Then I picked it up and did the second mile in about 7:15 with my watch showing 14:45. From there, the third mile time was 22:00 for another 7:15 mile.
Mile #4 was done in 29:25, so a little bit slower at 7:25, but still pretty good. I must have been feeling it after those two hard ones.
The last mile I decided to go as fast as possible, trying to simulate almost a race pace, but not quite.
When I got done, my watch read 36:15! That meant I did the last mile in 6:50. Very cool considering that during my last 5-K race just a little more than a week ago, my average mile was 6:34.
I feel great!
Runners World Quote of the Day:
"Good thoughts are no better than good dreams, unless they be executed."
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Happy running!
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Strength and recovery
Tonight was all about hitting the weights and running a fairly easy recovery run.
I busted out three sets of chest, back, shoulders, arms and abdominal exercise during a 45-minute span.
Feeling nice and warm from the lifting, I set out to do a nice easy run of 30 minutes or 4 miles depending on how good I felt.
I eventually settled in for an 8:20 mile pace for the first three and then decided to do another mile at 8:13. Felt awesome and finished in 33:30 for the four miles or 8:22/mile.
I love vacation, have I mentioned that?
Runners World Quote of the Day:
"If one has determination, then things will get done."
Chinese Proverb
Happy running!
I busted out three sets of chest, back, shoulders, arms and abdominal exercise during a 45-minute span.
Feeling nice and warm from the lifting, I set out to do a nice easy run of 30 minutes or 4 miles depending on how good I felt.
I eventually settled in for an 8:20 mile pace for the first three and then decided to do another mile at 8:13. Felt awesome and finished in 33:30 for the four miles or 8:22/mile.
I love vacation, have I mentioned that?
Runners World Quote of the Day:
"If one has determination, then things will get done."
Chinese Proverb
Happy running!
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
A medium-hard five miler
Today I really wasn't sure what I wanted to do, but since I'm on vacation, now is not the time to pass up running outside during the daytime.
So after I made a decision to do five miles, I figured I'd just go with what felt good. In this case, it meant going at a pretty hard, but not too hard, pace. I busted out the first mile in 7:57, then did the next three miles at a similar pace -- around 7:55 or so.
The last mile I was pretty tired, but thought I'd kick it in. Surprisingly, when I looked at my watch after finishing up, I had run the last mile in 7:17 and wasn't expecting to see that pace. For the entire five miles, my time was 38:57 or 7:47/mile pace.
All in all, a good run considering I ran pretty hard the day before. Oh how I love vacation!
Runners World Quote of the Day:
"They say you can't run away from your troubles. I say that you can."
John Bingham, The Courage to Start
Speaking of Runners World, here is a link to good article to check out in case you ever have a bad race. We've all had them, that's for sure.
Happy running!
So after I made a decision to do five miles, I figured I'd just go with what felt good. In this case, it meant going at a pretty hard, but not too hard, pace. I busted out the first mile in 7:57, then did the next three miles at a similar pace -- around 7:55 or so.
The last mile I was pretty tired, but thought I'd kick it in. Surprisingly, when I looked at my watch after finishing up, I had run the last mile in 7:17 and wasn't expecting to see that pace. For the entire five miles, my time was 38:57 or 7:47/mile pace.
All in all, a good run considering I ran pretty hard the day before. Oh how I love vacation!
Runners World Quote of the Day:
"They say you can't run away from your troubles. I say that you can."
John Bingham, The Courage to Start
Speaking of Runners World, here is a link to good article to check out in case you ever have a bad race. We've all had them, that's for sure.
Happy running!
Monday, November 30, 2009
A steady state of mind
Since I'm on vacation this week, I get to run whenever I feel like it. Typically that's in the afternoon, maybe like 2 or 3 p.m. So that's what I did today.
I decided to do a steady state run meaning running all the miles at nearly the same pace. I wanted to go fairly hard today, since I didn't get a chance to run on Sunday because we were in Pittsburgh visiting some train museums for an upcoming story my wife will be writing.
I felt relatively fresh and I took off at a 7:45/mile pace. After the first mile, bumped it up to about 7:30/mile pace and kept it close to that for the next four miles finishing in 38:20.
It was pretty good to go that fast outside, although it was cool and I managed to avoid the sleet that had fallen earlier in the day.
I love vacation, then again, who doesn't?
Runners World Quote of the Day:
"Dwell on the positive, but have controlled, passionate anger."
Pat Tyson, running coach
Happy running!
I decided to do a steady state run meaning running all the miles at nearly the same pace. I wanted to go fairly hard today, since I didn't get a chance to run on Sunday because we were in Pittsburgh visiting some train museums for an upcoming story my wife will be writing.
I felt relatively fresh and I took off at a 7:45/mile pace. After the first mile, bumped it up to about 7:30/mile pace and kept it close to that for the next four miles finishing in 38:20.
It was pretty good to go that fast outside, although it was cool and I managed to avoid the sleet that had fallen earlier in the day.
I love vacation, then again, who doesn't?
Runners World Quote of the Day:
"Dwell on the positive, but have controlled, passionate anger."
Pat Tyson, running coach
Happy running!
Saturday, November 28, 2009
7-miler with a friend
Today was my first run after the Erie Runners Club Turkey Trot on Thursday and I felt a little bit sore and stiff.
So I did a short 1/2 mile warmup before joining up with our neighbor's grandson Steven and his younger brother (can't remember his name right now).
We did a really easy two-mile run (1-mile out and back) before parting with the younger guy, then Steven and I set out for five more miles.
It was cold out today, mid 30s, but we ran most of the way at 8:20-8:30 pace or so, talking and chatting the whole time. Turns out, Steven just finished his senior year of cross country at Westerville High School near Columbus.
His team this year qualified for regionals and he was on the varsity squad as the team's seventh man. His personal record for the year was in the mid 18s. So he's a pretty good runner, plus he's tall and skinny.
I kind of felt bad for Steven because he was running in jeans. I guess when you're 17, you can get away with that kind of stuff. It certainly didn't seem to bother him one bit.
Steven's planning to go to college, he said, adding that he intends to study computer engineering and possibly continue his running career in college. Hopefully it all works out for him.
When it was all said and done, it was nice to have someone to run with around my home. Made the time go by fast!
Runners World Quote of the Day:
"A change of pace in terms of your running pace will give you strength psychologically."
Bill Rodgers
Happy running!
So I did a short 1/2 mile warmup before joining up with our neighbor's grandson Steven and his younger brother (can't remember his name right now).
We did a really easy two-mile run (1-mile out and back) before parting with the younger guy, then Steven and I set out for five more miles.
It was cold out today, mid 30s, but we ran most of the way at 8:20-8:30 pace or so, talking and chatting the whole time. Turns out, Steven just finished his senior year of cross country at Westerville High School near Columbus.
His team this year qualified for regionals and he was on the varsity squad as the team's seventh man. His personal record for the year was in the mid 18s. So he's a pretty good runner, plus he's tall and skinny.
I kind of felt bad for Steven because he was running in jeans. I guess when you're 17, you can get away with that kind of stuff. It certainly didn't seem to bother him one bit.
Steven's planning to go to college, he said, adding that he intends to study computer engineering and possibly continue his running career in college. Hopefully it all works out for him.
When it was all said and done, it was nice to have someone to run with around my home. Made the time go by fast!
Runners World Quote of the Day:
"A change of pace in terms of your running pace will give you strength psychologically."
Bill Rodgers
Happy running!
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Erie Turkey Trot results!
Happy Thanksgiving! Well, I managed to have a great day! I am certainly thankful. In fact, I established a personal best at the Erie Runners Club Turkey Trot 5-K. My time was 20:26, which is 5 secs. faster than 2007 when I ran a 20:31.
It was cold and drizzly, not horrible conditions, but when it's 45 degrees and you're wearing a short sleeve shirt and racing shorts, it can get a little bit frosty.
There were 1,700 runners and walkers in the 5-K this year and I managed to finish 56th overall and 4th in my age group! No award this time, but needless to say this was a highly competitive field with the winning time overall at 15:20, which is blazing!
Heck, the guy who won my age group (35-39) finished in fifth overall with a time of 17:20! The guy who finished second in the age group ran a 19:17 and third place was 20:11, nipping me by 15 seconds.
The start of this race was unbelieveable, I've never seen so many people try to jam up to the front of the line. People were actually off to the side of the course, with officials yelling out that people would have to run over the mat for their chips to be activated. Crazy! There was definitely too many people who wanted to be in the front that should not have been. Petpeeve!
Anyway, a great race, plus it sold out the day before meaning no day of race registrations were accepted. I think that might be a first for this race. Just goes to show how popular it has become.
After it was over we hustled down to my sister's house in Stow for T-giving dinner. What a feast. All guilt-free, since I earned my appetite!
Runners World Quote of the Day:
"Commitment to the body machine. It was as critical as the commitment to the goal itself."
Richard Christian Matheson, "Third Wind"
Happy running!
It was cold and drizzly, not horrible conditions, but when it's 45 degrees and you're wearing a short sleeve shirt and racing shorts, it can get a little bit frosty.
There were 1,700 runners and walkers in the 5-K this year and I managed to finish 56th overall and 4th in my age group! No award this time, but needless to say this was a highly competitive field with the winning time overall at 15:20, which is blazing!
Heck, the guy who won my age group (35-39) finished in fifth overall with a time of 17:20! The guy who finished second in the age group ran a 19:17 and third place was 20:11, nipping me by 15 seconds.
The start of this race was unbelieveable, I've never seen so many people try to jam up to the front of the line. People were actually off to the side of the course, with officials yelling out that people would have to run over the mat for their chips to be activated. Crazy! There was definitely too many people who wanted to be in the front that should not have been. Petpeeve!
Anyway, a great race, plus it sold out the day before meaning no day of race registrations were accepted. I think that might be a first for this race. Just goes to show how popular it has become.
After it was over we hustled down to my sister's house in Stow for T-giving dinner. What a feast. All guilt-free, since I earned my appetite!
Runners World Quote of the Day:
"Commitment to the body machine. It was as critical as the commitment to the goal itself."
Richard Christian Matheson, "Third Wind"
Happy running!
Monday, November 23, 2009
Last run before the Trot
Tonight was my last easy run before the Erie Runners Club Turkey Trot 5-K on Thursday.
By easy, I mean easy. Just a 2.5-miler tonight in 21:15 or 8:30/mile pace. There will be no running on Tuesday or Wednesday so that I am completely fresh for the race.
Goals for the Turkey Trot? Would love to break 20 minutes and place in my age group: 35-39. It will be tough, with at least 1,000 runners expected to run and likely 40 or more in my age group.
Hopefully, I can accomplish these goals, but if not, I'll be fine because at least I'm healthy right now. Plus, I'll be headed with my wife and son to my sister's house for some Thanksgiving dinner! Can't wait.
Lastly, a quote from Runner's World, maybe not one I agree with but ...
"It is very difficult to train for a marathon; but it is even more difficult to not be able to train for a marathon."
Aaron Douglas Trimble, Runner
Happy running!
By easy, I mean easy. Just a 2.5-miler tonight in 21:15 or 8:30/mile pace. There will be no running on Tuesday or Wednesday so that I am completely fresh for the race.
Goals for the Turkey Trot? Would love to break 20 minutes and place in my age group: 35-39. It will be tough, with at least 1,000 runners expected to run and likely 40 or more in my age group.
Hopefully, I can accomplish these goals, but if not, I'll be fine because at least I'm healthy right now. Plus, I'll be headed with my wife and son to my sister's house for some Thanksgiving dinner! Can't wait.
Lastly, a quote from Runner's World, maybe not one I agree with but ...
"It is very difficult to train for a marathon; but it is even more difficult to not be able to train for a marathon."
Aaron Douglas Trimble, Runner
Happy running!
Sunday, November 22, 2009
30-minute tempo
Today was a balmy 52 degrees and sunny when I headed out for a 30-minute jaunt before watching the Browns lose (at least it was an entertaining game).
This run was the last hard one before Thursday's Turkey Trot.
I ran the first mile in 8 minutes, then picked it up for about a 6:55/mile pace or so for the next two miles and then finished the last mile in 8 minutes.
All totaled, it was about 4 miles in 30 minutes for a 7:30/mile pace, very solid.
On Monday, I'll probably do either 2 or 3 miles really easy and then take off Tuesday and Wednesday so that I can be fresh for the 5-K race on Thursday.
Looking forward to this! Hopefully the weather will be decent this year. Right now, the forecast calls for a high of 46 degrees and rain. At least it's not supposed to be a blizzard.
Happy running!
This run was the last hard one before Thursday's Turkey Trot.
I ran the first mile in 8 minutes, then picked it up for about a 6:55/mile pace or so for the next two miles and then finished the last mile in 8 minutes.
All totaled, it was about 4 miles in 30 minutes for a 7:30/mile pace, very solid.
On Monday, I'll probably do either 2 or 3 miles really easy and then take off Tuesday and Wednesday so that I can be fresh for the 5-K race on Thursday.
Looking forward to this! Hopefully the weather will be decent this year. Right now, the forecast calls for a high of 46 degrees and rain. At least it's not supposed to be a blizzard.
Happy running!
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Intervals & distance
Today's run was initially just going to be an easy 5-miler, perhaps around 40 minutes or 8 min/miles. After 2.5 miles in, I suddenly thought that I might mix in some 200 meter sprints or 45 seconds intervals at 85-90 percent effort.
I ended up doing 6x200 intervals and backed off for a minute after each one, which means I slowed down to about 7:45/min pace in between the intervals. Kind of what they call fartlek training.
What a great workout that was! I finished 5 total miles in just over 38 minutes, just over 7:36/mile pace average. Surprisingly, I felt very fresh at the end, but still had a tough workout.
With the Turkey Trot coming up on Thursday, this was the last speed workout prior to the race, so I feel like I'm just about ready to peak again, since it's been about a month since I raced the 5-K in Painesvile and then came down with the H1N1 flu.
Although I was just starting to feel sick that day, I still competed and won my age group, not with a time I'd like, but the course was very tough and hilly and I wasn't near 100 percent.
With that in mind, I thought this tidbit was appropriate ...
Runner's World Quote of the Day:
"Recognize your victories."
Joan Benoit Samuelson, 1984 Women's Olympic Marathon champion.
Happy running!
I ended up doing 6x200 intervals and backed off for a minute after each one, which means I slowed down to about 7:45/min pace in between the intervals. Kind of what they call fartlek training.
What a great workout that was! I finished 5 total miles in just over 38 minutes, just over 7:36/mile pace average. Surprisingly, I felt very fresh at the end, but still had a tough workout.
With the Turkey Trot coming up on Thursday, this was the last speed workout prior to the race, so I feel like I'm just about ready to peak again, since it's been about a month since I raced the 5-K in Painesvile and then came down with the H1N1 flu.
Although I was just starting to feel sick that day, I still competed and won my age group, not with a time I'd like, but the course was very tough and hilly and I wasn't near 100 percent.
With that in mind, I thought this tidbit was appropriate ...
Runner's World Quote of the Day:
"Recognize your victories."
Joan Benoit Samuelson, 1984 Women's Olympic Marathon champion.
Happy running!
Friday, November 20, 2009
Great deals from Achilles Running Shop
I took the night off from running, but as promised, I wanted to pass along some news about the after Thanksgiving Sale at Achilles Running Shop, 8791 Mentor Ave., Mentor. Their phone is 440-255-7861.
The store is open next Friday from 8-8, Saturday 10-6, & Sunday 12-5, and all regular priced apparel is 30 percent off. Also, all regular priced shoes 20 percent off and accessories are 20 percent off. Clearance and sale items are priced at an additional 20 percent off.
For early bird shoppers on Friday from 8 to 10 a.m., you get a free duffle bag (valued at $60) with $125 purchase while supplies last. Everyone who purchases $50 or more all weekend will be entered into a raffle for a free pair of shoes!
Happy running!
The store is open next Friday from 8-8, Saturday 10-6, & Sunday 12-5, and all regular priced apparel is 30 percent off. Also, all regular priced shoes 20 percent off and accessories are 20 percent off. Clearance and sale items are priced at an additional 20 percent off.
For early bird shoppers on Friday from 8 to 10 a.m., you get a free duffle bag (valued at $60) with $125 purchase while supplies last. Everyone who purchases $50 or more all weekend will be entered into a raffle for a free pair of shoes!
Happy running!
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Awesome tempo run
Got in a great tempo run tonight spanning 5.25 miles. Squeezed between a mile warmup and a 1.25-mile cooldown were three hard-paced miles.
The energy level was there today so I amped up the speed for these three miles to a 6:53/mile pace for the first mile. This was probably just a tad too fast, so I dropped down to 6:58/mile pace for the last two miles.
It's been a long time since I did a training run that included sustained pace faster than 7-minute miles.
I was definitely feeling the lungs burn and the legs felt great. This type of run is what really makes a difference for me when it comes to running 5-Ks.
For me, running 10 miles isn't that difficult and neither is running sprints at a quick pace.
But the workout combination of endurance, plus speed goes a long way toward improving race times for me. We'll see how it might translate to next Thursday's 5-K Turkey Trot in Erie, Pa.
Runners World Quote of the Day:
"Nothing's better than the wind to your back, the sun in front of you, and your friends beside you."
Aaron Douglas Trimble, Runner
Happy running!
P.S. Check back on Friday night for news about a big sale coming up at Achilles Running Shop in Mentor!
The energy level was there today so I amped up the speed for these three miles to a 6:53/mile pace for the first mile. This was probably just a tad too fast, so I dropped down to 6:58/mile pace for the last two miles.
It's been a long time since I did a training run that included sustained pace faster than 7-minute miles.
I was definitely feeling the lungs burn and the legs felt great. This type of run is what really makes a difference for me when it comes to running 5-Ks.
For me, running 10 miles isn't that difficult and neither is running sprints at a quick pace.
But the workout combination of endurance, plus speed goes a long way toward improving race times for me. We'll see how it might translate to next Thursday's 5-K Turkey Trot in Erie, Pa.
Runners World Quote of the Day:
"Nothing's better than the wind to your back, the sun in front of you, and your friends beside you."
Aaron Douglas Trimble, Runner
Happy running!
P.S. Check back on Friday night for news about a big sale coming up at Achilles Running Shop in Mentor!
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Fruit cake/4-mile recovery run
The food editor at The News-Herald, Janet Podolak, brought in some fruit cake that someone made for her to sample. Oh my gosh was that good! What a delicious afternoon snack providing me extra energy to burn off this evening.
After last night's intense speed workout, tonight was designed to be a fairly easy steady-state 4-mile run, one that I eventually finished in about 32:20.
Feeling a little sore, I decided to warm up for a mile and stretch out before amping up the pace.
I hopped back on the treadmill and jumped into an 8:34/mile pace for a while, but that soon just felt too slow, so I dialed it down to 8:00/mile pace and keep it at that speed for about 25 minutes.
For the last four minutes of the run, I felt great and decided to kick it in at a 7:30/mile pace. Still felt easy, which was the point of tonight. I'm hopeful Thursday's workout will be a fast-paced tempo run.
Happy running!
After last night's intense speed workout, tonight was designed to be a fairly easy steady-state 4-mile run, one that I eventually finished in about 32:20.
Feeling a little sore, I decided to warm up for a mile and stretch out before amping up the pace.
I hopped back on the treadmill and jumped into an 8:34/mile pace for a while, but that soon just felt too slow, so I dialed it down to 8:00/mile pace and keep it at that speed for about 25 minutes.
For the last four minutes of the run, I felt great and decided to kick it in at a 7:30/mile pace. Still felt easy, which was the point of tonight. I'm hopeful Thursday's workout will be a fast-paced tempo run.
Happy running!
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Speed doesn't kill/Erie Runners Club Turkey Trot
With not a lot of time to spare this evening due to babysitting duties at home, I finally got out to the gym for a speed workout on the treadmill just after 9 p.m.
I decided to do 6x200 intervals with 1-minute recovery jogs. After a 1-mile warmup at 9:06 pace, I did a little stretching, then got ready to amp it up.
The 200s were run between 5:49 and 5:43/mile pace, more toward the latter for the final four intervals. Felt great, like I could have gone even faster pace, but this was good for tonight. I finished up with a 1.25 mile cooldown at about 8:00/mile pace.
Earlier in the day, I signed up for the 5-K for the Erie Runners Club Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving morning. I'm stoked since last year I couldn't run it due to a sprained ankle from furniture moving. It wasn't my fault, ask my wife :-)
The Runners Club is expecting more than 2,000 runners combined for the 10-K and 5-K with the race director indicating he expects this year to be the largest crowd ever.
Registration online closes Nov. 19 at 9 p.m. So if you haven't registered for either race, do it now. You can also register the day of the race, but aren't guaranteed a shirt or sweatshirt.
If weather conditions are good (which they rarely are this time of year), the course is ripe for a good finishing time. For the 5-K it's completely flat and is an out and back course. It's probably similar for the 10-K, but I'm not sure since I haven't done that race.
I enjoy the 5-K especially because you get to see all the runners (and walkers too) at some point and any cool costumes people are wearing. Most of the time, people are cheering you on and it's a lot of fun.
Fewer than nine days to go until race day! By the way, if you're planning to run something on Thanksgiving drop me an e-mail or post a comment. Would love to hear from you. I'll also publish your results on this blog if you like.
Happy running!
I decided to do 6x200 intervals with 1-minute recovery jogs. After a 1-mile warmup at 9:06 pace, I did a little stretching, then got ready to amp it up.
The 200s were run between 5:49 and 5:43/mile pace, more toward the latter for the final four intervals. Felt great, like I could have gone even faster pace, but this was good for tonight. I finished up with a 1.25 mile cooldown at about 8:00/mile pace.
Earlier in the day, I signed up for the 5-K for the Erie Runners Club Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving morning. I'm stoked since last year I couldn't run it due to a sprained ankle from furniture moving. It wasn't my fault, ask my wife :-)
The Runners Club is expecting more than 2,000 runners combined for the 10-K and 5-K with the race director indicating he expects this year to be the largest crowd ever.
Registration online closes Nov. 19 at 9 p.m. So if you haven't registered for either race, do it now. You can also register the day of the race, but aren't guaranteed a shirt or sweatshirt.
If weather conditions are good (which they rarely are this time of year), the course is ripe for a good finishing time. For the 5-K it's completely flat and is an out and back course. It's probably similar for the 10-K, but I'm not sure since I haven't done that race.
I enjoy the 5-K especially because you get to see all the runners (and walkers too) at some point and any cool costumes people are wearing. Most of the time, people are cheering you on and it's a lot of fun.
Fewer than nine days to go until race day! By the way, if you're planning to run something on Thanksgiving drop me an e-mail or post a comment. Would love to hear from you. I'll also publish your results on this blog if you like.
Happy running!
Monday, November 16, 2009
A hard lift and easy run

For the second week in a row, I got in a good weightlifting session. Always feel great after pumping some iron for about 30 minutes.
I hope I can continue this trend because strength training is one of the keys, I think, in maintaining fitness when you're not racing much in the winter.
Obviously, the Governator wasn't known for being a runner, but how can you not love old photos of that guy? No girly man was he. He pumped you up!
After working up a sweat, I hopped on the treadmill and busted out 4 miles in 34 minutes for about an 8:30/mile pace. Nothing too hard, just a good run to get the kinks out after taking off Sunday.
Runner's World Quote of the Day:
"The more I thought about what I get to do, the less I realized I had to do. It was just a shift, just a new perspective, just a new and more grateful method for labeling the things in my life. Think about it — if you stopped yourself every single time you were about to say, 'I have to' and changed it to 'I get to,' it might change your entire experience."
Kristin Armstrong, Mile Markers blog, runnersworld.com
Happy running!
Saturday, November 14, 2009
What a beautiful day for a long run

Runners World quote of the day from running legend Bill Rodgers:
"A road race is the closest thing to a party I can think of."
With this in mind, I woke up this morning and headed out for a 10-miler with my friend Tom.
We got in a wonderful run with temperatures in the mid-50s and a cloudless sky. Is this really November?
No complaining here, take it while you can get it and enjoy it.
Our run was great, just slightly over an 8:50/mile pace and we finished 10.44 miles in 1 hr. 32 min. and some change.
It was one of those days where you don't really want to stop because you're having too much fun.
Happy running!
Friday, November 13, 2009
Refreshed after a day off
After feeling sluggish Thursday I took the day off. This helped rejuvenate me so on Friday, typically my normal day off from running, I got in a nice and easy 3.5-mile run at 8:34/mile pace.
I'm ready for a good 10-miler on Saturday morning with my friend Tom Brickman. We like to meet up at the Ashtabula County Western Reserve Greenway Trail.
I love running long runs here because it's very scenic and no cars. It's also not packed full of people like many running trails in Northeast Ohio, but there are usually enough runners, bikers and walkers so that you don't feel alone.
Quote of the day:
"Believe that you can run farther or faster. Believe that you're young enough, old enough, strong enough, and so on to accomplish everything you want to do. Don't let worn out beliefs stop you from moving beyond yourself."
John Bingham, "Tools and Rules," Runner's World
Happy running!
I'm ready for a good 10-miler on Saturday morning with my friend Tom Brickman. We like to meet up at the Ashtabula County Western Reserve Greenway Trail.
I love running long runs here because it's very scenic and no cars. It's also not packed full of people like many running trails in Northeast Ohio, but there are usually enough runners, bikers and walkers so that you don't feel alone.
Quote of the day:
"Believe that you can run farther or faster. Believe that you're young enough, old enough, strong enough, and so on to accomplish everything you want to do. Don't let worn out beliefs stop you from moving beyond yourself."
John Bingham, "Tools and Rules," Runner's World
Happy running!
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
A hard five-miler
Just got done watching the Cavs beat Orlando, sweet!
Before watching the game on DVR, I got in a nice five-mile tempo run, essentially finishing my jaunt in about 37:30. I felt strong pushing for 21 minutes in the middle between the slower warmup and cooldown.
I love that feeling when running 7-minute miles starts to feel "comfortable" and I can start to really push the pace into the mid to high six-minute mile range.
Hoping tomorrow I can get in a nice easy run and take Friday off.
Here's a quote from the legendary Bill Rodgers that I wanted to pass along, basically it's not always easy to get out and do what you love, but somehow you need to find a way.
"In the 30 years I've been a runner I've run more than 150,000 miles. Still, some of the hardest steps I take are those first few getting out the door for daily runs."
Before watching the game on DVR, I got in a nice five-mile tempo run, essentially finishing my jaunt in about 37:30. I felt strong pushing for 21 minutes in the middle between the slower warmup and cooldown.
I love that feeling when running 7-minute miles starts to feel "comfortable" and I can start to really push the pace into the mid to high six-minute mile range.
Hoping tomorrow I can get in a nice easy run and take Friday off.
Here's a quote from the legendary Bill Rodgers that I wanted to pass along, basically it's not always easy to get out and do what you love, but somehow you need to find a way.
"In the 30 years I've been a runner I've run more than 150,000 miles. Still, some of the hardest steps I take are those first few getting out the door for daily runs."
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Lifting & GoErie.com
Got in my first strength training session in a while tonight. Nothing too heavy just light weights and high repetitions - meaning sets of 10 to 12.
I love to lift and it seems like once I'm back into it I feel great. Then all of a sudden I stop and that's it for months. Wish I could break the cycle.
After my lift, I got in a nice recovery 3-mile run to follow up after last night's hard tempo run. Nice and easy pace about 8:13/mile, but lots of sweat so that's good.
I'm getting fired up for the Turkey Trot in Erie, Pa., on Thanksgiving morning. Just hoping it's not a blizzard this year! If you'd like to register, click here.
Anyway, thanks for a plug for my new blog from Heather Cass, who authors the Runners Notes blog on www.goerie.com which is the Web site for the Erie Times-News. She also puts together the Her Times magazine, a must read publication designed for a female audience.
Heather is a personal friend and a very good runner and active member of the Erie Runners Club. I was pleasantly surprised to see she had mentioned this blog in one of her postings. Thanks again Heather.
Happy running!
I love to lift and it seems like once I'm back into it I feel great. Then all of a sudden I stop and that's it for months. Wish I could break the cycle.
After my lift, I got in a nice recovery 3-mile run to follow up after last night's hard tempo run. Nice and easy pace about 8:13/mile, but lots of sweat so that's good.
I'm getting fired up for the Turkey Trot in Erie, Pa., on Thanksgiving morning. Just hoping it's not a blizzard this year! If you'd like to register, click here.
Anyway, thanks for a plug for my new blog from Heather Cass, who authors the Runners Notes blog on www.goerie.com which is the Web site for the Erie Times-News. She also puts together the Her Times magazine, a must read publication designed for a female audience.
Heather is a personal friend and a very good runner and active member of the Erie Runners Club. I was pleasantly surprised to see she had mentioned this blog in one of her postings. Thanks again Heather.
Happy running!
Monday, November 9, 2009
Tempo run time/Achilles Running Shop news
Busted out a 35-minute tempo tonight on the treadmill.
Overall, the run was 4.25 miles with miles 2 and 3 conducted at faster than 7-minute mile pace finishing at a top speed of 6:32/mile pace for 2 minutes, then cooling down the last 10 minutes at an 8:13/mile pace.
That's one nice thing about a treadmill, you can see exactly how fast you are going.
Here are some of the latest deals and happenings at Achilles Running Shop in Mentor:
New Price Reductions on Shoes! They're making room for the new models coming soon.
The following are now 25 percent off - in stock only:
Adidas Supernova Glide
Asics 2140 & Kayano
New Balance 769
Nike Free 5.0, Free Everyday (men), Skylon, Structure Triax
Saucony Triumph 6 & Guide II
Also, there are still spaces available for the store's Diva Night, which is Wednesday, Nov. 11 at 6:45 p.m.
The featured guest will be Dr. Jessica Jordan from French Chiropractic and Wellness Center. She will discuss running, running injuries, and how chiropractic can help.
If interested, RSVP by calling 440-255-7861 or e-mail pat@achillesrunning.com.
Happy running!
Overall, the run was 4.25 miles with miles 2 and 3 conducted at faster than 7-minute mile pace finishing at a top speed of 6:32/mile pace for 2 minutes, then cooling down the last 10 minutes at an 8:13/mile pace.
That's one nice thing about a treadmill, you can see exactly how fast you are going.
Here are some of the latest deals and happenings at Achilles Running Shop in Mentor:
New Price Reductions on Shoes! They're making room for the new models coming soon.
The following are now 25 percent off - in stock only:
Adidas Supernova Glide
Asics 2140 & Kayano
New Balance 769
Nike Free 5.0, Free Everyday (men), Skylon, Structure Triax
Saucony Triumph 6 & Guide II
Also, there are still spaces available for the store's Diva Night, which is Wednesday, Nov. 11 at 6:45 p.m.
The featured guest will be Dr. Jessica Jordan from French Chiropractic and Wellness Center. She will discuss running, running injuries, and how chiropractic can help.
If interested, RSVP by calling 440-255-7861 or e-mail pat@achillesrunning.com.
Happy running!
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Beautiful day for running in shorts
Wow, 65 degrees in November and I ran in shorts! Gotta love that.
My 10-plus miler yesterday was tougher than I thought and I'm feeling pretty tired and sore today. It was mostly because the run had some challenging hills including a slow 3/4 mile incline at mile 9.
My Achille's tendons were barking at me a little bit so today was a recovery run. Just did a nice easy 20-minute run to loosen up. Ran at an 8:30/mile pace.
For the week, I got in 38 miles, which is one of the higher totals I've had for a while because of all the racing I've done this year. A typical race week means two days off prior to the race and lighter than usual mileage.
Speaking of races, I'll be running the Erie Runners Club Turkey Trot in Erie, Pa., on Thanksgiving morning. I'm entering the 5-K. I've heard more than 1,000 people will be doing the 5-K this year and probably about the same number for the 10-K.
I'd like to place in my age group (35-39) that would be a good day. Hopefully the weather won't be a blizzard like it usually is when I do this race.
Happy running!
My 10-plus miler yesterday was tougher than I thought and I'm feeling pretty tired and sore today. It was mostly because the run had some challenging hills including a slow 3/4 mile incline at mile 9.
My Achille's tendons were barking at me a little bit so today was a recovery run. Just did a nice easy 20-minute run to loosen up. Ran at an 8:30/mile pace.
For the week, I got in 38 miles, which is one of the higher totals I've had for a while because of all the racing I've done this year. A typical race week means two days off prior to the race and lighter than usual mileage.
Speaking of races, I'll be running the Erie Runners Club Turkey Trot in Erie, Pa., on Thanksgiving morning. I'm entering the 5-K. I've heard more than 1,000 people will be doing the 5-K this year and probably about the same number for the 10-K.
I'd like to place in my age group (35-39) that would be a good day. Hopefully the weather won't be a blizzard like it usually is when I do this race.
Happy running!
Friday, November 6, 2009
New shoes and instant energy beans
Love my new Nike Air Zoom Structure Triax shoes and got to try them out on a 10-mile run with a buddy of mine.
My feet feel pretty good and I have no problems to report right out of the box.
I also tried eating one Life Fitness Instant Energy Beans Double Mocha Gourmet Chewable before the run.
They have 40 mg of caffeine in them plus tons of B12 vitamin and only 5 calories each.
The taste wasn't good that's for sure. Soon into the run, I felt the surge of caffeine, especially since I rarely consume any at all. No coffee or pop with caffeine because it gives me problems sleeping.
But I keep getting these sample in the packets from road races, so I figured I give one a try.
It's hard to say if I'll try them again because they sped up the bladder and forced a bathroom break during the run. Plus, I'll probably have trouble falling asleep tonight.
But hey, at least I know what they're like.
My feet feel pretty good and I have no problems to report right out of the box.
I also tried eating one Life Fitness Instant Energy Beans Double Mocha Gourmet Chewable before the run.
They have 40 mg of caffeine in them plus tons of B12 vitamin and only 5 calories each.
The taste wasn't good that's for sure. Soon into the run, I felt the surge of caffeine, especially since I rarely consume any at all. No coffee or pop with caffeine because it gives me problems sleeping.
But I keep getting these sample in the packets from road races, so I figured I give one a try.
It's hard to say if I'll try them again because they sped up the bladder and forced a bathroom break during the run. Plus, I'll probably have trouble falling asleep tonight.
But hey, at least I know what they're like.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Got a new pair of shoes!

I love shopping at Achille's Running Shop in Mentor.
Great place to get your gear because the people there actually know what they're talking about and can help you find the best pair of shoes for you to wear.
Decided to go with Nike Air Zoom Structure Triax shoe. It's the third pair in a row I've purchased and I love them.
Figure I'll try them out on an easy 10-miler on Friday. Will let you know how they feel.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Welcome to my blog
For the most part, I've been a runner -- except for a six-year lapse when I got big and fat during my late 20s and early 30s -- since I was a freshman in high school.
As I soon enter the Masters Division for 40 years and older, I hope to use this forum to keep people updated about my running adventures.
Perhaps I'll put occasional posts on how my training goes and other related matters, but I will definitely try to put any race results on here. I'd also like to try to pass along any advice I can share based on my experiences.
We'll see how this develops.
Hope to see you out on the road, trail or race sometime soon!
As I soon enter the Masters Division for 40 years and older, I hope to use this forum to keep people updated about my running adventures.
Perhaps I'll put occasional posts on how my training goes and other related matters, but I will definitely try to put any race results on here. I'd also like to try to pass along any advice I can share based on my experiences.
We'll see how this develops.
Hope to see you out on the road, trail or race sometime soon!
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