No pain, no gain ... Mile 21 of the 2007 Cleveland Marathon

Monday, March 15, 2010

Daylight savings time rocks!

It occurred to me this afternoon that there would still be daylight when I got home from work, typically around 6:30 to 6:45 p.m.

Sure enough, sunset was scheduled for around 7:30 p.m. so I had plenty of time to get in a nice, easy 30-minute run OUTSIDE on a weeknight.

I was still sore from Saturday's 10-K in Erie, so nothing hard tonight just a 8:07/mile pace for each mile for the 3.7 miles I ran.

It felt good to get out there on the road to loosen up a little bit. Doubtful I'll do a sprint workout on Tuesday, but maybe a little more intense run than today.

Runners World Quote of the Day:

"Act like a horse. Be dumb. Just run."

Jumbo Elliot, Track and Field Coach

Happy running!


  1. Sorry you're still sore, but...I feel better now because I'm still sore, too! Took Sunday & Monday off...ran a slow 4 this AM.

    It's heck getting old...this old mare isn't the racehorse she used to be!

    :-) Heather

  2. Hey, thanks for the comment! Appreciate it.

    Yes, I'm usually sore after every race. No matter the length. If I wasn't, I'd feel I didn't run as hard as I could have. Makes me feel like I gave it a good effort.

    Longer recovery is always part of aging, but I've always stood by the recovery standards of one day of recovery per mile raced. So for a 10-K, it's about six days before I'm fully recovered. Three days for a 5-K, and two weeks for a half marathon.

    I think that's the timeframe for when I was much younger too, even in my teens and 20s!
